Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

(Christine and Alhan finishing up the sample)
Hello once again!Over this past week in a half, we have made progress with the project...

After researching and traveling around the Vernor area, Mary selected a location for the three benches, at the Southwest Detroit Business Association(SDBA) property.However, after today's meeting,the three benches have a possibility in being installed together.The idea in installing the benches together did not appeal to everyone in the meeting.Some want to dispers the benches throughout the Vernor neighborhood,while others supported Mary's decision to keep them together.One member suggested that two of the benches could be installed at the SDBA property while the other will be at a different "ideal" location.Voting took place and ultimately, Mary will decide where the benches will be installed.

Now, on a better note, we are excited that we finally began working on some kind of mosaic.Over the last two days, we began working on a sample piece for the "Leaves" bench.Mary sketched out a leaf on a paper, and we began putting it together with the few pieces the have been donated.The pictures on the bottom are from day one.The sample was not planned beforehand, it was somewhat spontaneous.

(Day one of the mosaic sample)

Christine and Alhan finished the sample while I was updating this blog.Here is the finished sample.

We have received an update from Tony Martinez, who is the owner of Disenos Ornamental Artwork, of the "Leaves" framework. It will be ready by the end of next week, and then we can begin getting our hands to the real work!Mr. Martinez is still waiting for the other two bench sketches, which Mary will be handing in.

We are also happy to receive more material for the mosaic work,donated by Janet Locher, a resident from Southwest Detroit(thank you!).Feel free to donate any material you believe will serve us in our project.You can reach me here or Mary at marylaredo@gmail.com.

Until next time...


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